Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Rare Earths Rare Stocks! Fiction or Real Fact

Rare Earths Rare Stocks
Stocks associated with rare earths benefiting from the 'not so rare' political stance of the Government of China. China happen to have the vast deposits of these rare elements some experts put the figure above 90% of the World's known deposits. That is a 'super rare weapon' in the communist China's arsenal, and China is fully determined to exploit it, claiming from national security to the sovereign rights over literally on its own 'Earth' and all the elements there in.
The communist Government announced it will limit the quantities, of the most useful of these 17 rare earths, drastically reducing the supply could jeopardize the fledgling electric battery industry and many other new emerging technologies depend on these rare elements.
The US Government, Japan (which happen to be the largest importer of these materials in the World) and the EU are planning to take China to the WTO.
Are the Chinese mistaking rare earths to something like say giving back Tibet to the Dalai Lama?
As for as we know they can keep their country and sell the 'rare earths', like the most under appreciated often maligned 'Coal' or the Iron ore for that matter.
We don't know whether and when the Chinese will come back to the Earth and treat the rare earths like any other minerals. And how long these stocks could stay afloat defying the gravity and whether they really are 'rare earth' centered or not hard to tell. However, investors should have their feet firmly on the Ground (Earth) when investing in these stocks.
Rare Earth stocks – Rare Elements- REE , MolyCorp – MCP and China Shen Zhou – SHZ
Source: OxBridgeResearch, PennyStockMonster, OTCking and Company Reports
Category: Rare Earths, Rare Stocks, Precious Minerals and Metals.

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