Alternative Energy patch has become the biggest battle field ever, Billion Dollar market cap companies are biting the dust on a weekly basis. Huge consolidation is taking place.
The Sun is getting hotter, the Wind is blowing faster and, the Battery Charging Stations are spreading like weeds. Its getting harder to predict. However, who ever survives the carnage will emerge badly bruised and, none will make the 'real money' for a long time.
Stocks to Watch JASO, PLUG 10-20-2011
JASO - JA Solar Holdings manufactures photovoltaic solar cells and solar products, the company is based in China. Its main products include monocrystalline, multicrystalline solar cells and solar modules. The company also provides silicon wafer and solar cell processing services. JASO is considered to be on of the top low cost manufacturers. Stock is down significantly, bouncing back from 52WK Lows, keep an eye!
PLUG - Plug Power, an alternative energy technology provider, it makes fuel cell systems for the industrial off-road markets and stationary power markets. It develops and sells a range of fuel cell systems comprising hydrogen-fueled Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) systems. Bounce back play, could be very interesting, watch closely.
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Beneficial post you got hear. Can someone please look at the FRCN chart and news etc and help me make a better evaluation if this is a company that is going to pop soon or no? Looks to be promising with positive news but I’m pretty new to these penny stocks. Sentiments for FRCN please???