Reddy Ice Warming up! RDDY
Reddy Ice- RDDY - is the largest manufacturer and distributor of packaged ice products in the United States, Reddy Ice has the geographic presence, infrastructure and capacity necessary to meet the multi-state demands of a diverse customer base in its served markets. The Company has built relationships with strong and loyal customers by providing a high level of service and quality at competitive prices, utilizing its extensive network of ice manufacturing plants and distribution centers.
Serving a variety of customer locations in 31 states and the District of Columbia under the Reddy Ice brand name, the Company's principal product is ice packaged in seven-to-fifty pound bags, with the ten pound bags being the primary ice product, principally sold to convenience stores and supermarkets. Additionally, sales are generated from its proprietary equipment, The Ice Factory machines, which are located in high volume sites that produce, package and store ice through an automated, self-contained process.
Slowly rising from 52WK LOWS, Bounce Back Short to Medium term opportunity, Keep an Eye!
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