The Alkaline Water Company | WTER | Profile
The Alkaline Water Company employs a state-of-the-art Electrochemically Activated Water (ECA) system to create 8.8 pH drinking water without the use of any chemicals. The ECA process uses specialized electronic cells coated with a variety of rare earth minerals to produce scientifically engineered water.The Company further incorporate 84 trace Himalayan minerals considered to be the best in the world.
- A typical American drinks about 10 cases of bottled water a year.
- In 2011, total bottled water sales in the U.S. hit 9.1 billion gallons — 29.2 gallons of bottled water per person, according to sales figures from Beverage Marketing Corp.
- The 2011 numbers are the highest total volume of bottled water ever sold in the U.S., and also the highest per-person volume.
- Bottled water sales aren’t just growing —they’re booming. Volume increased by 4.1 percent in 2011 —five times as fast as the 0.9 percent growth in the sales of beverages overall, according to Beverage Marketing. Bottled water sales, in fact, are growing twice as fast as the economy itself.
- The U.S Market is predicted to
double in in the next two years.
Water is the new front:
Old Rivals Pepsi & Coke fighting for market share
- The three global giants in the industry Coca Cola and Pepsi and Nestle
- Pepsi’s Aquafina, introduced in 1997, is now the number one branded non-carbonated bottled water in the US.
- Coke’s Dasani, launched a few months later, is second in the category. Both are likely to lead the market in the future.
- Market analysts look for major consolidation among the plethora of brands in the next few years.
- It is anticipated that large national marketers will buy local brands around the country and shut them down. Why? To reduce competition and, in some cases, to acquire other supply sources for spring water.
- The battle between Coke and Pepsi
and the larger European brands is the “high profile war that will
be waged,” predicts at least one industry insider, who adds that
branding will remain a deciding factor for discerning consumers.
“Quality and trust are going to be critical, so brands will be
The Opportunity
Virtually no competitive products sized larger than 1.5 L in the market.
- Consumer acceptance for Alkaline water continues to grow significantly due to its many perceived health benefits, making it the water of choice.
- Bulk Alkaline water can be marketed at a consumer price point significantly less, per ounce, than existing brands.
- There is a high demand amongst major retailers for bulk alkaline waters.
- New bulk size option well
received by existing consumers of alkaline water.
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