Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bubbles are part of Nature

Bubbles are part of Nature

Greenspan said it is hard to stop them,

And one Indiana Farmer agrees,

However, his neighbors say it stinks.

Tony is like thousands of Dairy Farmers around the country going through a hard time. Dairy Farmers are facing huge financial hardship for, not lack of milk, on the contrary, but surplus of it, and that’s the real problem.

Milk prices crashed due to huge glut in the market. The precipitous decline in Milk prices left many with no choice but to declare Bankruptcy, including Mr. Tony Goltstein, a farmer from Indiana.

Unfortunately, for Tony there is another bubble causing the huge problem and he came up with a unique way to stop it. However, his neighbors are alarmed and terrified with his formula, and even the city is preparing to mobilize its resources in case he goes forward with his bubble-popping plan.

Unlike the Real Estate Bubble or the Tech Bubble that you couldn't see therefore you couldn't prevent it, as Greenspan said, this one you could not only see but smell it real time.

Cows are good. They give us milk but they are notorious in generating lots of Manure. How much Manure Does a Cow generate? It's astonishing to know that it generates equal to the body weight of a mature adult each day (148LBS). That is a staggering more than 54,000 LBS a Year.

You see Tony stored all this Manure from hundreds of cows in a gigantic lagoon, on his 180-acre farm in Indiana. This lagoon is literally overflowing and has so much methane gas trapped inside that it is creating bubbles the size of a Victorian sized house; causing his neighbors to be terrified, for fear that it may cause a huge explosion any time.

Tony, however,is a confident and prudent man, he is a farmer after all, he is not a banker to come up with something like CDO's, CDL's or any such Three Letter self-enriching concoctions. Instead, he thinks he can pop this humongous bubble with a Swiss army knife. This simple solution, to what seems like a huge problem, is causing alarm, and may be its time to smell the roses instead of raising a stink.

Source: WSJ OxBridgeResearch PennyStockMonster OTCking