Monday, November 3, 2014

Premier Biomedical, BIEI, Profile, Summary


Premier Biomedical | BIEI | Profile | Summary

Premier Biomedical (BIEI) is a research-based company that has acquired exclusive licenses for patent-pending medications and medical procedures to develop cures for a significant number of the most debilitating and often fatal illnesses: ALS, Traumatic Brain Injury, Multiple Sclerosis, Clinical Depression, Alzheimer’s Disease, Blood Sepsis, and Cancer. The company is in the process of developing targeted medicines and procedures and will prove out their superior efficacy in addressing these diseases and others through laboratory, hospital, and actual patient applications. At the anticipated successful conclusion of the clinical trials, contact will be established with the leading worldwide pharmaceutical firms to establish the right to market and distribute Premier Biomedical’s technology products and procedures.

· The Company’s proprietary Sequential Dialysis Technique and patented candidate drug Feldetrex are expected to provide superior efficacy versus existing medications in treating a large number of the most fatal diseases
o Alzheimer’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, Fibromyalgia, Traumatic Brain Injury, Blood Sepsis, and Cancer

· The Company has established two outstanding research partnerships with the University of Texas, El Paso (UTEP) and the Department of Defense
o Leverage the substantial infrastructure and resourced capacity of these organizations to perform experimentation and to engage in product development in an inexpensive and efficient manner
o Positive results in animal testing for the Sequential Dialysis Technique treatment of cancer
o Initiation of two clinical trials including a trial for Feldetrex and a trial of the Sequential Dialysis Technique

· Premier Biomedical is a research-based company that intends to discover and develop medical treatments targeting the treatment of:  Alzheimer’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, Fibromyalgia, Traumatic Brain Injury, Blood Sepsis, and Cancer

· The Company’s proprietary Sequential Dialysis Technique is a methodology that physically removes the pathophysiologic basis of the disease, eliminating it without dangerous side effects
o Superior to current treatments which eliminate the presence of most illnesses but often with catastrophic or even fatal side effects
o Targets cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, blood sepsis, and Traumatic Brain Injury – collectively over $700 billion market opportunity

· Developed a proprietary drug candidate Feldetrex as a potential treatment for Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, and Traumatic Brain Injury
o Expected to deliver significant relief to patients, while presenting fewer side effects than other alternate medications
o The Company was recently granted two US patents for this drug candidate
o The annual market size of all proposed market segments for Feldetrex is $16 billion

· The Company has established two outstanding research partnerships with the University of Texas, El Paso (UTEP) and the Department of Defense
o Leverage the substantial infrastructure and resourced capacity of these organizations to perform experimentation and to engage in product development in an inexpensive and efficient manner
o Positive results in animal testing for the Sequential Dialysis Technique treatment of cancer
o Initiation of two clinical trials including a trial for Feldetrex and a trial of the Sequential Dialysis Technique

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Alzheimer’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, Fibromyalgia, Traumatic Brain Injury, Blood Sepsis,Cancer,sequential dialysis techniques,DOD,UNT,UofT,USPTO, NFL,SOCCOR,MILITARY,COMBAT MISSIONS,PTSD.

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